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I Don't Like Being Treated Like One..

I like flowers, but... I don't like being treated like one. I am not a daisy. You cannot just pick my petals because I am not filled with " I love you"s & "I love you not"s. I am not a dandelion that you can pick from the ground and blow on for your own desires. I am not something you wish for. I am something you work for. I am not a rose that easily wilts and dries because although I am gentle, I am not weak or delicate. I am not a flower because I am not just pretty to look at. I am a girl whose skin is as tough as brick. Whose eyes try to see the good in everyone. Whose hands are always ready to lend. Whose spirit is hopeful, strong & cannot be replicated. I don't ask for much, just a bouquet.

A bouquet filled with kept promises, soft kisses, & kind words. I want you to be my sun because even though I am strong enough to stand alone in a storm, you would still manage to peek through the clouds & make things a little better. I will not allow you to tear me from my roots & use me. I am not a flower, but I deserve to be handed one.

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