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How to Choose a Senior Quote

When all hope is lost, just go to google. Arabic makes everything look pretty.

Choosing a senior quote is a small, yet important part of high school. Students are expected to choose a quote they live by and represents them. It can be a difficult task, but here is an easy-to-follow tutorial for all the Libra students. Sorry seniors, it’s a little too late to save you.


1. Get Some Inspiration

Sure, you could Google quotes by famous authors, historical figures, or activist, but your quote will end up being boring because it has been used so many times. Who cares about what William Shakespeare or Harriet Tubman have to say? They’re all dead anyways. It’s time to focus on the present and choose inspiring quotes from celebrities because they are the people that really matter. For instance, Kanye West and Drake are excellent role models who “spit fire” and inspire people all over the world. Drake’s quote,”Started from the bottom, now we're here,” will surely touch the hearts of whoever reads your senior quote. One of Kanye West’s quotes is,”Nothing is promised in life except death.” Wow, did you get the feels? He speaks nothing but the truth. If all fails, look at Tumblr or Pinterest posts for some words of wisdom. There must be something original hiding in there somewhere.


2. Do NOT Plan Ahead

Even though your quote is going to be published into yearbooks that hundreds of people will read, don’t think about it too much. Only nerds do that. If you want to be a cool kid and challenge yourself, think of it one minute before it is due. Take some senior advice from Luis Hernandez who “thought about the quote in less than five minutes” and his quote is… interesting. He wrote,”Follow your dreams and my Twitter” and put his Twitter username. So creative, so inspirational and so clever. Not only does he encourage people to follow their dreams, but also takes advantage of the free publicity. Will he regret it? Maybe, but who cares? He is living in the present and not thinking about the future and that is what it's all about unlike David Deniz who took almost a full day to choose his. He chose a quote by David Bowie that says,”I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” Sure, it’s nice, but Luis took it to a whole other level.


3. Turn It In

Now when you are turning it in, be sure that it is appropriate. Yes, there are certain rules you have to follow such as no bad words, intense slang, or inappropriate implications. However, are these rules in place to save a student from humiliation or restricting them from fully expressing themselves. A student, who shall remain nameless, wanted to turn in a quote that said, ”My mom should have swallowed me instead.” He was told by the yearbook staff that it was beyond inappropriate and he had to change it. Albert Peralta claims that the staff was definitely, ”saving his kids ten to twenty years from now” from reading that quote and keeping their innocence. “Sometimes we look back and we think,’What was I thinking back then?’” and in order to avoid that type of embarrassment, he changed it. Although these are all good intentions, they blocked that student’s creative flow! I mean, someone out there probably had the same type of humor. It could have made someone laugh...right?

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